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Funding Initiatives
19 results

Voces Unidas de las Montañas


Support for language justice services for health equity work taking place in Eagle, Garfield and Pitkin counties.

Alliance for Global Justice


Serving as fiscal sponsor for general operating support for Denver Justice Project, via The Colorado Trust’s emergency fund to address anti-Black systemic racism.

Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition


General operating support via The Colorado Trust’s emergency fund to address anti-Black systemic racism.

Colorado Jobs with Justice


General operating support via The Colorado Trust’s emergency fund to address anti-Black systemic racism.

Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center


Support for Black Lives Matter 5280 to build and maintain a resource hub that will provide essential services and supplies to Black people in Denver who are working to prevent and recover from the health and economic impacts of the pandemic. (COVID-19 response grant)

Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center


Support to serve as fiscal sponsor for Black Lives Matter 5280, which will use the funds to build and maintain a resource hub providing essential services and supplies to Black people in Denver who are working to recover from the impacts of the pandemic. (COVID-19 response grant)

United for a New Economy


Supported the Transformative Leadership for Change fellowship program, which encourages a select cohort of executive directors of color to work towards advancing social change and justice in Colorado.



General support for an organization with a mission to reduce recidivism by providing current re-entry information to people involved in Colorado’s criminal justice systems.

United for a New Economy


Supported the Transformative Leadership for Change fellowship program, which encourages a select cohort of executive directors of color to work towards advancing social change and justice in Colorado.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.