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Funding Strategy
Past Funding Initiatives
1225 results

The Center for African American Health


Supported the implementation of the Center for African American Health’s Executive Director Succession Plan, organizational capacity improvements and sustainability strategies.

Colorado Fresh Food Financing Fund


In partnership with the Colorado Health Foundation and the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, providing support to grocery stores and other markets to provide access to healthy foods in underserved areas of Colorado.

NBCC Foundation


Supported the NBCC Foundation in providing scholarships to counselors-in-training to serve rural and/or minority communities in Colorado.

Community First Foundation (2013)


Supported 2013 Colorado Gives Day in its effort to increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving on Dec. 10, 2013.

Colorado Fiscal Institute


Supported the Colorado Fiscal Institute‘s development of the Genuine Progress Indicator, an alternative measure of economic well-being for Colorado.

University of Colorado School of Medicine


Supported the University of Colorado School of Medicine‘s development of a data warehouse to track medical students from pipeline to practice to better understand the medical workforce, including workforce diversity, and the impact on the medical workforce in Colorado.

Colorado Futures Center (Colorado State University)


Supported the dissemination of the results of the Colorado Futures Center‘s fiscal sustainability study to inform policy decisions related to access to health.

Freedom to Cowboy Up


Rural Philanthropy Days grantee. Click here to learn more.

Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center


Rural Philanthropy Days grantee. Click here to learn more.

Learn about the health equity issues affecting Coloradans at Collective Colorado, a publication of The Colorado Trust.